If You Could See Me Now


Winter is coming...

And every time someone says that all I think is Game of Thrones - which I am obsessed with!

Today was a busy day off!

- Cleaned this morning - the house was starting to look like a dump!

- Subway for lunch with Nick, Bex and Toby - I decided that lifting my feet was a bad idea and tripped over in front of a whole lot of people making a real dick of myself... Nice Kirsty. Real nice!

- To the library to find a book - anyone got any ideas of a good book???? I struggled to find one!!

- Then home time to start roasting veges for the lasagne i'm making for dinner! Hattie's coming round! YAY!

And that was the day! Another two days of work and then Saturday off!

Hope you had a good one!

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