Evening sun on the pond

Brilliant blue and not a cloud in sight - how wonderful to emerge from our dull, rainy, cloudy weather into the sun.

A days painting for me, priming bare areas of woodwork around doors. Those tricky strips along the edge of the fire door seals were the most time consuming. (Made bearable by lots of cups of tea out in the garden.) It's amazing how the sun makes everyone feel so much better and D & G were able to do their tile cutting for the kitchen/ utility room out in the sun.

Yorkshire Life was our first visitor for the restricted `house tour', though we are hoping to be `open' by the weekend! (The house is coming along well and I think will be almost finished by the end of this week. A big relief for us as we are at the stage where we don't know where anything is anymore.)

We all enjoyed lunch in the garden.

The beautiful end of the day saw our small community gathered together for a beer and a chat - something we haven't enjoyed for a long, long time. By the end of this I still hadn't taken a photo until I found a last patch of evening sunshine lighting up the Bistort that grows on the edge of our small pond. So here it is in my back blip for yesterday. (I was too tired to even upload it last night.)

p.s. taking meaningful photos in the new part of the house is getting harder - the rooms are either still full of builders tools and detritus or they seem strangely empty!

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