Fast forward!

Work, shopping and dog training... Like most days really :-)

Hero seems to do well with his Crufts routine as long as I warm up for about 40 mins before performing it! Phew! 

The newer the routine is, the more the dog needs to concentrate to get it right and the more excited the dog is, the less it concentrates. Hero needs to be so confident, that he can perform it even when excited. That's what we are working on at the moment. To be able to perform it without having to wear the dog out first :-)

I don't know why I though an action shot was a good idea on such a grey day with bad light, but hey ho... This is the best I have for you today. Beat zoooooooming after his ball - no feet touching the ground :-D

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

Edit at 17.30.
I didn't like the picture at all as it was just grey and boring. So I played with some editing and now I love it :-)

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