Secret Guinea Fowl

We paid our first visit to The Secret Herb Garden, giving the café 10/10 for scones and cake.

As we wandered round the extensive site a strange tapping sound  turned out to be coming from this Pied Guinea Fowl, as it walked over the metal roof of the static caravan residences. It was joined by a Pearl Guinea Fowl, which, from its ear-piercing two-tone call, identified itself as a female.

I now know that guinea fowl are native to the African continent and that the two we saw today are Helmeted  species, (Numida meleagris) having a horned knob on the top of the head and which come from a Savanna environment. By comparison the crested species, (Guttera pucherani) have a feathered crest and  come from a rainforest environment.

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