St Valentine's Day Massacre

We are in London staying with one son and family. The other son and family drove over to us and we all went out to dinner at Zeret Kitchen, an Ethiopian restaurant.

Before going I went to my car to fetch something and found that those going by car had gone and those going by foot had gone, leaving me behind. Home Alone!

I caught up and off we went.
Then I started preparing to take the blip and found that while I had my camera bag with two lenses, a flash and everything in the world ....except the camera.

So I borrowed a phone and took this photo.

The dish is a tearing sharing delight of little piles of vegetables on a base of a large pancake rather like a buckwheat galette. Plus rolls of the same. It's hands in everyone, as you can see.

Lentils, chick peas, chilis, beans, etc.
More little dishes are brought out and liked onto the plate

Very tasy

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