Plus ça change...

By SooB


Market (raining, but still rather sociable), shopping, cleaning the house (which is looking frankly shocked at being vacuumed twice in as many weeks) and dragging a heavy mattress upstairs.

For those who wonder why I'm cleaning again, we have friends arriving momentarily.  

For those who were jealous of the skiing yesterday I have:

1. A burnt ear.
2. Shins that feel like someone spent all of yesterday kicking them.
3. A toe so sore (for no obvious reason) that I'm considering amputation.
4. Everything not already mentions hurts.  

All that whooping and grinning comes at a price.

(And we're off to do it all again on Monday.  Grinning.)

And for those thinking that Mr B has softened with age and gone all romantic; I bought the flowers.  I'll let our budding Irish botanist identify them.

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