Piha kereru

This is bird Nø 40 which I have photographed this year. At The Crib in Piha. One of my peer group invited us to his place at Piha for our first meeting of the year. I left Snells Beach in plenty of time, and then had some sort of brain fade, as I planned my trip to go to Muriwai. The route I chose (from Warkworth across to the Kaipara Coast Highway to Helensville and State Highway 16) made sense. IF I was going to Muriwai. Realised my error before heading off the main road, and was only a half hour late.

Pleasant lunch with colleagues and good discussion of a number of topics. Then back the way I should have gone there.

Just before I got in the car to leave, I saw this kereru (wood pigeon) in the manuka beside the driveway. Better than my sunrise photos from today's early morning run. 

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