Muttley's Musings

By RuralDave

Wicken Fen

I had the day off on Friday, so I headed over to the Fens as I was booked to go on a dawn walk at Welney reserve to see the swans take off on Saturday morning. I spent the day at Wicken Fen walking around the boardwalk as some of the reserve was closed off due to the wet conditions underfoot.

In the afternoon I walked around another part of the reserve which was open and I saw two groups of deer, the herd of Konik ponies which are used to mange the grazing in the reserve along with a herd of Highland cattle. I also saw a Marsh Harrier in the distance.

I took this picture of the wind pump looking through the reeds. It was a very flat grey day and I think the mono treatment matches the feeling of the day.

I popped into Ely for my tea, and a quick look around, but it was very cold (colder than out on the fens) and it started to rain, so I headed to my hotel for the evening.

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