BLIP means....................................

Ann's 'Edinburgh friends' are staying with us, so today they were being 'culture vultures' and went off to the 'Tate'. I had to stay 'home alone' to guard the house. When they came home I went for my walk through the fields.

I spotted the brown llama and he was tied up. I immediately went racing off in chase mode because I knew I'd be able to catch him if he couldn't run very far. Unfortunately for me, Ann yelled, 'NO MOLLY; BLIP!'

BLIP means I've got to stop whatever I'm doing and look irresistibly gorgeous.

...................It's just a pity Ann couldn't get a better photo than this?! However she is very, very pleased with me because I stopped chasing as soon as I heard the word BLIP!

I've been a very good girl today!

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