Sleeping on and off today...
I was awake all night with fibromyalgia pains...burning, stabbing, numbess, aching, spasms in my toes and fingers, and more...gave up trying to get comfortable or sleep. I couldn't stand the bed covers on me either. Painkillers had no effect. My skin was itchy beyond belief as well. I couldn't stand the dog, Meg, touching me, nor the cats. My tinnitus was screaming a battlefield as always does but this was just a shade to much as well as everything else. (I get this every night, but last night was uncopeable.) I shut cats and dog in kitchen. They couldn't understand why I was unapproachable.Then I began completely reorganising the front room, study and my bedroom. I needed to distract myself totally. So I spent the rest of the night doing this until dawn broke.
The bungalow is now a total mess.
So I was in no fit state to go out today. Managed to doze a bit during the day. Then saw Suki sleeping curled up in the trug. I crept to get the iPad and crept back into the kitchen, but Suki was now sitting in this I didn't didn't get her curled up in the trug...sigh.
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