Last Resting Places
As I fit things like shelves to the basement it's beginning to dawn on me that this will be the last time I fit that particular shelf. So far in life I've always assumed there would be a later move and that things would be taken down and moved.
Disasters aside, any move from the Dell House will be to a much smaller place, and the vast majority of shelves and such fittings will stay behind. That's a slightly weird feeling.
Spent most of the day in the basement. It's been an increasing frustration that jobs are taking twice as long as they need to because I can't find this tool or that material, so I'm having a few days on a basement binge.
Phase One broadly involves moving everything from basements 1 and 2 into basement 4, in order to have enough elbow room to arrange shelves, etc. It's really one basement but has several (up to six, depending how you count) 'rooms' of increasing coolness/dampness. You've seen #4 recently. It's a bit fuller now...
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