Around and about!

By xLindax

Dirty sycamore tree!

This is the table in my back garden that I cleaned within an inch of it's life for yesterdays BBQ and here it is today covered in these horid sycamore seeds! I had to put the parasol up even though we were in the shade, just to stop all the bits dropping in our food!

Don't get me wrong a love trees in fact quite a few of my blips are trees but this has to be the dirtiest thing ever. It constantly drops these seeds all over my garden even though the damn thing isn't even in my garden! then in a few weeks time it will malt its leaves - ALL OVER MY GARDEN!!

Tomorrows blip if I remember may well be my patio which you've guessed it, is covered in sycamore seeds.

Anyhoo rant over - Happy Wednesday peeps x

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