
By Snazzledazzle

Train back to Edinburgh

And so concludes the hardest 2 weeks of my life…

I feel like an adult now (at the ripe old age of 48).  I've now seen a dead body (my mother's), been one of 2 people organising a funeral and been to a solicitor, all for the first time.  I wish I was not an adult.

I'm glad I saw her body, so that I could say goodbye and so it would help me accept that it was real.  We put some Werther's Originals, her lipstick and a photo of her, me and my brother in her coffin.  The Werther's were because she liked them for a journey.  The lipstick was because she never left home without some on.  The photo was so that she wasn't alone.  I don't believe in an afterlife, but, like she said, you never know.  Jason said that it was a bit like when the Egyptians buried their dead with burial goods, putting in all the things they needed for the afterlife and it was quite apt because she loved Ancient Egypt.  

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