Sketchbook #16: Roger Langridge a/k/a @hotelfred

A day at the desk reading and researching, so here's another dip into my meagre and cobweb covered collection of sketches by various illustrators. Today's example is a wee gem by talented New Zealand creator Roger Langridge, also known as @hotelfred on Twitter.

I was lucky enough to have Roger work on my first comics serial, a feebly written series called The Straitjacket Fits in Judge Dredd Megazine. The art and lettering - both by Roger - was amazing, significantly elevating the material. My script? Not so much. It would have been improved by having Roger wrote and draw the strip, as he's done for much of his career!

Anyway, this is a sketch from a British comics convention in 1997 - downstair in the dealer's room at UKCAC, I seem to recall...

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