A Writer's Life

By Awriterslife

We are more than 50!

According to the new law, if there are more than 50 persons in a group and the cops haven't been informed of their itinerary, they all can be arrested. Well, we were between 350000 and 500000 in the streets of Montreal, marching, singing, yelling slogans, and we were AWESOME!!! I was so proud of the students! 14 weeks later, they are still there, even more politically savvy than they were when all this started: instead of their usual classes, they got a crash course in political, media manipulation, self-defence, etc. They were creative, polite, and they were taking their strenght in their numbers. Mid-point in the manifestation, I was surrounded by people: in front of me, behind me, waves of walkers, you couldn't see the end. And looking by a cross-street, I saw that, even 2 hours after the start of the protest, there were still people leaving from the departure point!

Days like today, I'm proud of the kids we are pushing in this world: they may have been dealt a rather hard deck (economical downturn, job precarity, environmental issues, etc.), but they still want to affect change, with a great sense of their own responsibilities.

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