The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Who, me?

Clambering across Dad's flower beds? Nope, not me!

I spent two hours in the garden tonight. I nearly blipped the mahussive pile of weeds that I have pulled up but I thought you might spot some flowers and flip so I'll save that for the weekend when the job is done! Managed to finish cutting the lawn with the strimmer, it got a bit hot and bothered and had to have a few rests but we got there in the end. Now for a late evening walk as it is a bit cooler...25 degrees again today, roof off on the way to and from work! Fabbo!

As for the earlier parts of the this morning was really good, work was work. Garden centre was nice, bought weed killer and some funky little gloves to protect my hands from green-ness! Came home to a clean house courtesy of the new cleaning company...they are GREAT!!! Did what you would do though and walked cut grass into the kitchen...damn!!

Oh, and Newark Advertiser want to do a piece on me and blip. Words, yes, I'm resisting a picture unless it is of the dogs! I'll blip the finished garden at the weekend! Love ya.x

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