creative lenna

By creativelenna

The joy of learning

I love this photo of Nia trainer Winalee "Heartdance" Zeeb. She's passionately warming us up on Sunday morning for our Plearn (play & learn). Winalee traveled to Florida all the way from Michigan to teach us a new Nia routine that she choreographed, called "Beautiful". I so enjoyed hearing the story behind the creation of this routine and also learning it in a step by step fashion. Plus, I connected to many parts of her presentation. Winalee is a ball of fire, a motivating teacher and it was so inspiring simply being in a room with 35 other people who are also wild about Nia fusion fitness! 
(Nia tunes into the needs of the body, mind, spirit and emotions. Athletes, dancers, casual exercisers and gym-haters alike began to embrace the movement lifestyle because it felt good. It was exhilarating, not guilt-driven; expressive instead of one-dimensional. Healing, not exhausting. Nia ultimately forged the category known as mind-body fitness today.

The class I taught today turned out awesome! I have photos of my students and their gorgeous painted silk scarves . . .  but I am too tired to upload them now, so I will be back with that story tomorrow! xo 

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