Magic's journal

By Magic



Have been hugely busy today, out to B&Q, they loved me,!!

Into MrsC&D's work again, they loved me...even the ones who had already met me!

Into Poundland and HomeBargains....they loved me! And we got more dog toys

Home for lunch and a nap and then back out to Lidl ....they loved me too.

On the way home one of the neighours flagged us down to tell us the Entire Village had been engulfed in a massive bee swarm. They did not seem unduly worried so I went back to sleep. And then when we got home we spied on the neighbour's chimney with binoculars and spotted about a dozen bees sat out in the garden and were fine. They think someone MAY have been over reacting a little.

Oh and this is me in one of my outside beds....there are two to choose from but this one was in the sunshine and Eve caught me poking out my tongue!

And I still haven't seen a bee.

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