Come on .... Who was the cuprit !!!
I arrived home to get a late birthday card from
" J" and " K" but not before I sent the underpaid
postage!!! Still you both meant well, thank you
also for my wonderful treat on 6th ! Did I mention
I went to the Shard!!!!!!?,
I had to see the consultant about my left hand
carpel tunnel, op date to be arranged, only hope
it will be more successful than the right, although
the consultant says it's Arthritis , for which he
gave me a cortisone injection! I must give credit
to my local hospital, as I was seen on time and
everyone was polite, I can't fault the treatment
I had today.
I then went into Croydon to get a gift for " C " and " F"
( won't say in case she reads this) whilst I was in
M and S I picked up a few bits for my holiday
or rather a couple of weekends!!
I wasn't very happy at having to pay £5 for parking
1hr 10 mins! I would have used the bus but it was
on my way back from the hospital.
It was nice to meet someone I used to see at the club
several years ago, her husband has terminal cancer
so I hope my little chat did some good.
I'm now going to have a bite for lunch and watch
Doctor's, wow that's exitment for you!!!!
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