Mo..ments In Time

By MauriceB

Another Sunrise

Thats the title, just another sunrise... but actually its more than that. I was sitting eating my breakfast getting ready to go to work early again as we are very busy. I looked at the sky. checked the sunrise time, it was due to rise at 7.21. I would be well on the way to work by then. Then I had  a "you now what? lifes to short I`m going to get a sunrise" moment.  Walking down the lane from home, so peaceful, the dawn chorus of birds. I got to the gate of the field to see two ducks eyeing me up, wondering what I was doing with a camera in my hand. I just stood there for about ten minutes enjoying watching the scene, the sunrise, the ducks taking off and flying away.  I don`t care where you are, there is something special about a sunrise (or sunset for that matter)  I could have been driving and missed all this. Could have been in work early . We miss so much in the hustle bustle of everyday life.  Im glad I watched this sunrise.  I arrived at work a  quarter of an hour later than expected (but still earlier than normal) with a moment to share with my colleagues.  I hope you like my picture. Go and catch a sunrise sometime. Its a great time of day.    

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