All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ethan's new gadget & my new gadget

Hubbie got an android phone recently and has put lots of video clips on it for Ethan such as Mr Tumble, Balamory, Wheels on the Bus etc. I can't believe how quickly Ethan has picked up on how to use it - he is better than me! He is also getting very hooked on it and could easily spend hours watching clips on it.

Grandpa came over this afternoon and picked up Ethan from nursery. Granny & Grandpa weren't due to come over at all this week but I think Grandpa would have missed Ethan too much if he hadn't seen him at all so he is staying overnight with us tonight.

We all went out to the carvery at Bathgate for dinner. Each time we go there with Ethan we say "never again" but he was an angel today! Couldn't believe how well behaved he was - Grandpa must be a good influence! Ethan didn't eat much apart from yorkshire pudding though until we mentioned desert and he then chose a huge chocolate brownie ice-cream sundae from the menu (I'd been thinking more along the lines of a wee scoop of ice-cream for him when I mentioned desert haha. Still he shared it with hubbie so it wasn't as bad as it sounds).

My new camera arrived today! Although I do like our DSLR it's just too bulky for me to carry around everywhere and although I keep saying I'll learn how to use it properly, I never have the time to do it. But I wanted more than just a compact so have bought one of these which will hopefully be a good compromise.

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