Pictures & Pancakes

I started my photography course this morning - just 8 hours over 2 weeks...the other 3 people who were meant to be on it were ill, so it ended up as a 1-1! The tutor is a French photographer called Eva Genin...absolutely wonderful, dramatic & expressive! I loved how it was technical, but there was much more on the feel of photos, and creating atmosphere etc... She told me about a well-known photographer who doesn't know how to set up his camera manually, but takes amazing pictures because he understands light and composition. We had a look at some of my photos and what works/doesn't work...
Thoroughly looking forward to thursday's lesson...but until then I have a bit of homework! However, even though I've had a morning of all things camera, this is my worst blip in a while! My excuse is that it's been a really busy day!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Learning to use my camera better with this particular photographer! I feel like she speaks my language, so to speak! And talking of language, we had a complete mélange of French, English & Spanish! Fun!
2) Rain! Now we don't live somewhere where it rains a lot, I feel like I can safely enjoy it...knowing that in a day or 2 we'll be back to sunshine! It does make prayer-walking a bit damp though!
3) Growing friendship with Thea.

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