Blue Sky appreciation

Had lunch with the excellent FennerPearson today (& his so so so well behaved & polite children - I can't remember the last time I got a handshake from a teen!) - hopefully we'll soon be working on a project - so today was ostensibly a meeting to catchup - but in reality we simply nattered about running & Blip & France & windsocks...
As we decided to just stay & enjoy coffee & cake in Wilf's excellent cafe in Staveley I didn't have to use another business cliché & refer to it as Blue Sky thinking - but - stepping outside it was glorious & I decided to break my return journey for a quick walk - when I spotted this chap = which in turn made me think of Saturday's eagle encounter - hopefully this link to Facebook pics will work - if not perhaps Blippers could offer me a better solution for showing folks those potential Blips that don't make the final cut.

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