an image of teamdel

By teamdel

Cuddle Back

The last few days of solid parenting and work has been exhausting. Today on the way back from the nursery run I really felt shattered so much so that I walked past a neighbour who said hello and I just looked away and carried on walking. It took me a good few seconds before I realised what I had done and apologised for being in a dreamland and he laughed and asked what world I was in. I wanted to reply "A knackered one" but didn't.

At least today was a traditional Daddy Day so myself and the little ones went out into the sunshine to have some fun. We met up with lots of friends for a run around in the sun and water. The highlight for us lot though was Wife coming home. She appeared just like magic next to me. So I plonked Boy (who had not seen her) straight on her lap. He simply cuddled in to her and did not let go until he saw a skateboard nearby. Girl looked at her Mum and then ran off to play with her friends. When I went over and said Mums here. She replied with "I know, I have said Hi (She didn't), I am playing and will see her in a minute". Well she eventually did and she gave a big happy cuddle to.

We then all headed for home for the usual madness to ensue

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