A Vulcaneers cockpit work is never done!

Merrily doing the vacuuming in Vulcan B2 XM569 this morning And didn't notice the time so someone had to come out and tell me it was 0930, time for the volunteer briefing before the Jet Age Museum opened its doors to the public.

Amazing how the bits of grit and rubbish off peoples feet accumulate up there, dropping off as they climb the ladders up to the flight deck and the 'Back Office' where the Tactical Navigator, Plotter Navigator and Air Electronics Officer sit.
This photo was taken by me using a 12 second delay on the shutter. 12 seconds is a looooong time when you are waiting for it! I was vacuuming underneath the pilots seats on the flight deck standing on the ladder that had been installed for public access. The original ladder was vertical, most people have enough trouble with the installed sloping ladder without having to contend with a vertical ladder!!

Also replaced a bolt in the emergency hatch opening mechanism so that it can be demonstrated when people ask how it works.

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