Cousin Maisie

Another very early start, but hey ho!
Got the children to nursery for 8, popped to M&S to return a jumper and get supplies, popped to boots to get a few bits and pieces and was home by 9.

Then spent from 9-12:30 blitzing the house. Sorted out both Chidlrens clothes, found a box of clothes for Wom that are the right size, result! Put together a bag of clothes for nursery of Munchie and Wom old clothes, as well as a box of clothes that are for eBay and some clothes for some one who has just had a baby. Four loads of washing done, all dry too due to the glorious weather.

Picked Wom up form nursery, picked Munchie up from the farm. Got home with two sleepy babies but a super surprise. I had picked them up early because auntie Sam and cousin Maisie were coming to play. Munch had a wonderful time, so happy.

Both in bed asleep, I've got a glass of wine, just waiting for lee to come home x

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