life is a fairy tale...

Emilia thinks she's a princess (sometimes she's the wicked queen too).

We went to a story telling session at Bantock House, we listened to the story but E. didn't want to stay for the follow up activities (which is fair enough, she does so much at home, Polish school and nursery there's no need for any more).
The sun was out so she was more interested in the playground ;-)
We went back in and played with Victorian toys in the Day Nursery, I love this room.
Emilia's wisdom tonight:
Mum, where does Noah live?
In and ark.
Where does Noah live?
In an ark with all the animals.
But where does Noah live?
<confused face>
He lives in  Bantock House.

So if you didn't know, you'll find Noah in Bantock House (don't be disappointed if all you find is a toy wooden ark and figures of Noah and the animals).

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