...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

This kid. 
This kid will be 4 years old tomorrow. It's a little unbelievable. 
Miles at 4 years old:
 - Favorite toys are monster trucks, matchbox cars, magnatiles and anything else he can build
 - Loves to read books. His favorite books are these paperback Tonka truck books
 - His favorite cartoons to watch are Justin Time & Curious George
 - Obsessed with all things cars, trains, planes, etc. 
 - Still loves his breakfast foods & fruit
 - Has a crazy imagination, always coming up with games & stories. I love to listen to him play with his toys...making up pretend situations, problems, and then fixing them
 - He can run 'super fast' (though really, this kid is fast) and runs around the school track once without stopping. 
 - Talks in his sleep
 - Talks nonstop when he's awake
 - Starting to ask the cutest kid questions, like, "Why is the sky blue?" (Mom and Dad need to brush up on their science because the answers always lead to more difficult questions!) 
 - More than anything though, this kid loves his family, and really everyone he knows. He is the sweetest boy, despite being a toddler who constantly tests his parents with what he can get away with. 
I am so proud to be his mama & I can't wait to celebrate his birthday tomorrow. 

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