Ice cream snacker

I acquired the nickname 'Snacker' on a holiday to Scotland when I made my way through the snack box at an impressive pace.

Nothing like some dirt cheap tasty ice cream with some friends outside in the balmy heat to take away the frustration of speaking to the tax office in Liverpool.

Dour Scouser: 'we've been waiting on a response about pension income in a query we posted in September 2013'.

Me, through gritted teeth, after ascertaining which address it had been sent to: 'Cambodia has no domestic postal service so I would never have received it'.

DS: 'So your application has been on hold because we haven't received a response'.

Me: repeat of previous sentence

DS: 'We had a query about your pension income'.

Me: 'Obviously I don't receive income through a pension - I am 32. Can you communicate me via email with any queries in the future?'

DS: 'We don't have external email addresses'.

Me: 'Well can you tell me how the money will be paid to me for my rebate, seeing as though I live overseas?' (and bear in mind I am calling the helpline for those based overseas)

DS: 'As you're overseas I don't know how they will do this'.

Thanks to the international enquiry line for its help.

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