Full time

It is becoming increasingly clear that I am working full time, yet part time. Working late into the evenings, working during my "time off" with Squidge (grabbing moments) and when Angus is able to cover (like today). There is just so much to do. And it's never-ending.

Take this morning. I had to get up early, shower, get ready leaving Angus and Squidge to it and take a conference call in the car at 8am (Angus brought a cuppa out to me at least!) Then I left them both to it and went and did a few hours work in a local cafe. I'm away in Dublin at the weekend, which means no time as a family at all this week. I feel a bit sad about this. But I'm running one business and building a new one so I guess it's inevitable really.

Popped to Traff to pick up a few bits on the way home and managed to grab some Frozen cupcakes from Selfridges which made me a hero when I walked back through the door.

More progress on the potty training today. Four wees in the potty unaided (one on Angus's guard, 3 on my watch) and a rather unfortunate messier incident on the wooden lounge floor - but the less said about that one the better!!! It's not for the faint hearted this potty training lark.

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