Lali's World

By Lali

Welcome to Waverley Station

"Welcome to Waverley Station" says the sign on this hut.

Today again I woke up on time, just before my alarm clock went off... I guess this is a good thing..

Work is getting busier now as we slowly approach Spring. Temperatures are going down a little bit though.

Nothing of relevance happening apart from getting annoyed this morning because I went to take out £20 from a cash machine and nothing came out. I think I should stay away from cash and vending machines because I always have problems with them. I checked my bank account online and it seems that no money was taken though, so maybe that cash machine was empty, who knows....

Oh, and I have two cakes on order, which sounds good!

Feeling tired after what felt like four long days. Glad I'm off tomorrow! :)

Next week I'll resume my Finnish sentence of the day.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments, stars and unexpected hearts yesterday! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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