A world of chance

By PrebuiltDave

A world a gardening!

Today i am gardening!

I hate to do this but it has to be done! I find it a rather boring past time! I love it once its nearly done then its fine and you can slap me on the back and say well done shall we enter this to the Chelsea garden show?

To which id reply no i don't do it for the sport just the love!

The sentence before this is a lie!

My picture today shows roses in bloom!

Perfect for a loved one or a bath time snack!

(I also know these are not roses but cant think what their called)

I know someone will tell me on here! to which ill reply saying oh ok!

I'm really not a person of the garden the only thing i love in the garden is our BBQ! Now that i can do, and always do!

Give me a apron with lead lining in the crutch any day over a spade and hoe!

Why are some gardening terms so rude? If i was a gardener down around Detroit i would most likely get beaten up! "Excuse me sir could you pass me that hoe?"


Anyway better get started!

Have a good day everyone!

Keep on truckin'

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