
By Dee49

Lady Neve

Apologies first of all for being behind on commenting and replying this week. I've felt super tired this week but do appreciate your comments, stars and faves.
But, it's Friday, a bottle of prosecco chilling in the fridge because I can't bear to look at anything involving strawberries at the moment :)

Neve's dad and I attended her assembly this morning. The topic was all about castles.
I must admit, it was quite awful in terms of what other assembly's I've been to before.
The kids only got their speaking parts yesterday so none of them had much time to memorise their words. Neve was really anxious about it this morning.
It was actually painful to watch all these poor wee ones stumbling/forgetting what to say. Some had their words written down with them so could read their part which helped a bit, but it was such a shame for the ones who weren't as confident in reading.
I'm thankful Neve is a good wee reader.

The whole assembly was a somber affair anyway though as we had just heard that one of the girls former teachers, was knocked down and killed in Florida on Wednesday. She had retired to 'go live her dream' of doing all the things she wanted to do before she got too old. Such a shame :(

This is Lady Neve, who isn't keen on having her photo taken.
I didn't realise until afterwards that the writing on her arm (which if I'd noticed this morning would have been scrubbed off!) is a 'tattoo' of 'The 3 Face Gang' her and her sisters are apparently in.

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