
By Ellaphant

Cathedral de Sainte Croix, Orleans, France


Shot this during a day-trip to Orleans, about 120 km. south of Paris.  I was going through a kind of 'Gothic phase' and thought that I would learn more about Gothic art and architecture if I saw 'the real thing'.  If I remember right, I had left home on the late side, about 09.00, and arrived in Orleans at about 16.00.  I then spent about 1.5 hours walking around in the city centre and shooting, of course, after which I drove back home, a total distance of about 1300 km.  Got home at about 02.30.  Hubby had waited up for me all that time and wondered how I managed to do that without feeling too tired.  I assured him that I had taken the time to rest on the way.

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