Friday: Exhibition

I don't know - these days I really don't seem to care about the photography element of Blip. I only really care about the diary entry.  Never mind, perhaps it will improve with the better weather.

After work, K, Vicki and I want to see the exhibition, 'Our Zagreb' in which I have two photos exhibited (the two you see here).  Gabi, Denis and Danko joined us at the exhibition.  Having looked at photos, we repaired to an outside bar.  

While we were there, two friends of Gabi's, Nebojsa and Elena, joined us.  And then, a little later, my colleague, TK, walked past and also joined us.  I think this is really one of the things I love here - social gatherings grow organically.  It doesn't really matter who knows who, people are really ready to join in and mix and forge new relationships very quickly.  It is a real talent that we don't possess in the UK.

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