Afternoon goodness

Mr B, unbeknown to me, booked his wife onto a tile making course. It was today and it was super fun! Less about making a great tile, more about decorating it. Total shame it was only 2 hours as not much time for experimentation but it got a big YAY from me!

This is a faceless shot as too many voted not to be photographed. The tiles in the foreground were by the lovely lady from Bay Tree Books on the High Street. In fact there were 5 faces there I recognised which was brilliant.

It was run by 'Glossop Arts Project' "Arts for wellbeing for people with long-term health conditions, physical disability and mental health problems." They'd decided they could run workshops for less disadvantaged with their well being in mind too, and this was the first.

It's the first concept, with any link to something I'm vaguely capable of, that I could potentially build as an occupation and actually feel excited about! I had a very similar vision some years ago but circumstances and a confidence bashing put it into the shadows of my mind. Bonus is it turns out I know the three that have set this up, without even knowing it was afoot! Enquiries are required, watch this space.    

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