
By littlesedz


Today was a bit of a funny day; Daddy went to the doctors this morning, after not feeling well and being breathless for the last few weeks. The doctor said there wasn't much that could be done about his back, but gave him some stronger painkillers. He was a bit worried about his chest though and sent him to the hospital for some X-rays.
Me and Mummy went with him and Mummy was very impressed with how speedy everything was! We had barely sat down in the waiting room and they called Daddy in, and he was only in there for afew minutes. Just long enough for me to get stressed in my buggy, for Mummy to pick me up, and then have to put me straight back again!! I wasn't impressed!
Daddy will get the results of his X-rays in 2 weeks.
We went to Nannie and Gramps house for tea, to show Nannie that Daddy was ok (she got very worried when he phoned her to say he's been at the hospital)
After tea I had lots of fun sitting on Nannie's knee trying to catch the catfish through the glass!

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