
By littlesedz

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

I did not want to pose in my christmas jumper today, but Mummy took my picture anyway!
Me, Mummy and Daddy went to Nannie and Grandpa's house. Mummy and Daddy had some sausage sandwiches and I had my lunch, then Mummy took me to the kids club party at Church.
Auntie Nicola, Ava and Hollie, Auntie Marie and Sophie, Great Auntie Rachel, Anne, Naymi and Rose were all there (Great Auntie Ruth was there for a little bit too)... And Father Christmas came to visit!!
It's the first time I've seen Father Christmas, and Mummy wasn't sure how I'd be, especially as I'd only just woken up from a power nap. I was a bit unsure, but I quite liked the look of the present so he soon won me over!
Me and Mummy went back to Nannies for tea and Great Uncle Jp, Great Aunt Sal, Abbie and Ella were there too.
It's been a busy day, but Mummy says I've been very good. I've also not bitten Mummy whilst feeding for the last few days so she's glad we persevered and I don't have to go on bottles just yet.

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