Gitama's World

By Gitama

Breaking Free

"With arms flung wide, I danced until every cell of my being knew that I was Alive...............
Alive to the joy and the intensity within me.........
Alive to myself, to life.".........Judith Duerk

I feel as if I am at the opposite of the spectrum to this at the moment... a bit like the stuffing has been pulled out of me from that stupid fluey thing. However soon I intend to be dancing with arms flung wide.

I went for a long walk today with the boys...Flynn and Rumi...they are so patient when I need to take photos......and I took so many.....many many beautiful things caught my eye and needed to be snapped.

I forget to be gentle with myself at times and even gentle with I was gentle and as I am writing this I can feel the calmness inside....I hope the gentleness starts becoming a lot easier as I get older.

This is a WHITE BOTTLEBRUSH.......I love the way the little flowers curl so tightly up in their buds like spagetti....unfurling into tentacles with the seed heads on top.

She is lovely when viewed Large.

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