Dogs' Delight

I laid on my back in my yard, watching a dozen or so Turkey Vultures riding the thermals above me. The large birds have been roosting on our tall trees in the back-back. I love to see these efficient scavengers and really don't mind that they have chosen to sleep in our yard at night. However...Maica and Tara have also taken an intense interest in the vultures. They have discovered that the vultures' droppings and regurgitations are 'wonderful' to roll in and eat. I know that sounds really nasty and believe me it is! It takes at least two dog washes to rid them of the unbelievably horrible odor! 
Any day now these Turkey Vultures will bid us farewell and head north, since they are only winter visitors. We have a much smaller resident population of these birds, but they don't roost in our trees. Thankfully!

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