A & P Show

I know you've all seen this photo before when I blipped it back in May, but the purple ribbon addition is new.  

It was our local Agricultural & Pastoral Association Show today.  I spent part of the morning overseeing the animal petting tent - with my puppy Jasper along for the 'cute' factor.  After I'd done my stint and was relieved of responsibility I took a wander around the show.

I watched some sheep shearing, horse riding, show jumping, wood chopping and kids on sideshows and rides.  I took photos of it all - partly because you just do when your're a blipper, and partly because I was asked by a couple of the local papers to send them some images from the day.

After receiving general congratulations on my photos from various people I thought I'd best go and check how my entries had fared.  I definitely can't sneeze at Best in Show.  Proud moment!

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