
By ScarletMonkey

Off the wagon

So I made to it 60-odd in a row this time.. Eventually I'll finish a 365.. maybe. This is the sheet from a not very successful pub quiz. The 'ARGH!' is writing down 'red giant' then changing it to 'supernova' and red giant being correct. Quite embarrassing getting the science question wrong really.. 

No photos for a while I think because I couldn't think of what I would write under each one except 'ARGH!' so this is an apt picture to re-start the whole blogging thing. 

My brain was doing lots of circles: I like my job but not sometimes wonder, it's a bit weird that I've never left school I want to enter the real world, but the other jobs I want I don't know if I'll actually like, ooh exciting voluntary job, bet I won't get it as I have the wrong degree, but if I don't get it then I won't get any experience in that field and then I'll never know if I actually properly like teaching in comparison, why did I do a chemistry degree....etc. etc. 

In the end the conclusion was that I've always been striving for something big: get good grades, get into university, get a good degree, pass teacher training, get a job, get an international job.. so, now what? I've always wanted to travel, have enough money to not worry day to day and do something I enjoy. All three major objectives have been achieved. Weird. So now I have to focus on enjoying the life that I have created for myself. Not having a big goal is strange but should be great. I just need to try and stop myself getting anxious over the lack of one.  

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