Fate and a £10 note.

After work, I caught up with Sam from off the school bus while we waited for Tess' tresses to be trimmed. We were gazing out the window while crazy Elaine snipped away when we spotted a £10 note blowing in the breeze, caught on a wee shrub. Sam retrieved the booty and gave it to a very bemused hairdresser.

But all the time I was interrogating the poor lad about whether he had got all the teacher signatures he needed for his subject choice form, as it had needed to be signed and handed in that very day. He confessed he hadn't, that he only needed to get the ICT with graphic design teacher to sign it and would hand it in on Monday. "Tsk!" I responded, worrying about it being handed in late.

Crazy hairdresser Elaine - who shares my name, my propensity to be slightly unhinged and is also married to a man called Dave, but differs by dealing with guardian angels, while I deal in anxiety and cynicism - staged a light hearted change of subject and asked him what his favourite subject was. "ICT with computer graphics" he said.

Enter lady, stage right. "Well!! Get that form out of your bag Sam, I better get it signed right now!" said the nice lady person who had just walked into the hairdressers. Turns out she was Sam's ICT and Computing graphics teacher. Coincidence of the weirdly fortuitous kind. Thanks to the kind fairygodteacher lady I won't be repeatedly reminding Sam all weekend that he needs to get that all important bit of paper signed, and Sam's pleased too that his mum won't be nagging him.

Feeling lucky, and with Tess' tresses now trimmed, we headed home, roused the furballs from their snoozing and caught some dappled sunlight through the trees to end the week.

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