
By dieseldaisy

Simplicity itself..

Recently I picked up a box of patterns from my Mum's house. Her mother had been a professional dressmaker and my mum grew up during the war surrounded by pins as customers came and went, looking for ways to make fabric go further. When I was growing up my warmest and favourite memories are of going to Remnant Kings on Lothian Road or John Lewis to pick patterns and fabrics. This pattern was a corker. I had pestered for a pair of jeans so my Mum did what she always did and went to look for a pattern and to find the fabric. I vividly seeing with sinking heart the matching denim jacket and jeans. I wore them once. I recall her pained look as she said "But I triple stitched every seam..!"

I can't bear to throw these patterns out so I have been back to John Lewis and bought some picture frames. I might never make my own children wear home made double denim but I like remembering all the love she put into all of these clothes. 

More to follow. 

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