
After a quick listen to some of the mellower side of John Coltrane to accompany the breakfast pancake-making it was off to the Scottish Deer Centre for the day. An excellent time full of not just deer but birds of prey, wolves, bears, wildcats, lynxes (looks wrong – plural of ‘lynx’?), elks and more.
Stocked up with shopping for the next few days on the way home and then walked back along the estate drive for the inevitable finishing off of the day’s film. And by the time I arrived back at the cottage the ‘holiday beer’ was nicely chilled to accompany the cooking and the Freddie Hubbard-listening.
Completely coincidentally, the album immediately following Freddie’s ‘Red Clay’ on my itunes is one of the ‘Red Deer Club’ compilations but, whilst that may be highly apt, I’m not so keen on them tunes to feature one of them here…but, but, but, the album immediately preceding is an absolute belter, right up my street.

Today's film.


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