Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Castle ruins

Had a trip to Northumberland today which is quite new territory for me.  I was meant to meet a friend and her two dogs for a walk and pub lunch but her dogs have a tummy bug so it got postponed.   We were going to meet at Haltwhistle and I decided to still head that way.   I went to Greenhead as spotted on the map that there was a castle ruin as well as the Pennine Way and Hadrian's Wall Path, so lots of choice of walks.
Today's blip is of Thirlwall Castle and I'm so glad I went there first as I liked the clouds and blue sky.  A short while after it all changed and there was a hailstone shower followed by a couple of light snow showers.    We followed a section of Hadrian's Wall Path which was great and I am determined to explore this area more as its the same distance from my house as it is to the Lakes.  I just need to buy a walking book now :)

Have been remembering my brother who died two years today after a long battle with cancer.  When I drove home after the walk I turned the radio on and Lord of the Dance was on which we sang at his funeral, how amazing is that.

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