Specks Appeal

By REDMarmalade

Imaginary Dawn

Earlier today i met up with my gorgeous friend Imaginary Dawn. Imaginary? I hear you ask.

Well my beloved Awsomo doesn't believe she exists. He thinks iv made her up. Iv showed him her FB page, he's been told how i met her and her darling husband Jason, he's even met Jay in the supermarket. But no, he thinks I'm off my head. I have to admit that every-time he was meant to meet her, somethings come up and we've had to reschedule, so that when we do get a catch up its just been the two of us. I haven't really helped myself, and I suspect even this shot i took today of Dawn and her beautiful daughter Bee wont settle his suspicions that iv made up this whole family.

Thank goodness they'll finally get to meet next week before we go to see our friends band. Come hell or high water this is happening! Thanks for a lovely morning girls.

REDMarmalade xxx

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