Sooty is still enjoying life....what's left

Well as my vet said the other day, Sooty is certainly a fighter. She hasn't given up on life yet and that's good enough for me. I feel this awful decision I know I will eventually have to make is glooming over me. Quite frankly I was shocked at the size of the tumour has gotten in her jaw, it's almost taking over her complete lower right jaw and spreading under her tongue and towards the back of her mouth. I know this of course because I administer pain relief most evenings if she looks uncomfortable but the vet has a way of opening up her mouth better than me without giving her any discomfort so it's become quite a gruesome sight in her mouth. Saying all this the gap she has at the back of her mouth is obviously enough for her still enjoy treats and food. She squeaks regularly at the fridge for some milk and is enjoying the gourmet Sheba food I've been getting her. The vet said once she can't or doesn't want to eat any more we will know the signs she has given up. Not for now.....this photo was taken this morning on a neighbours wall as she bounced out the door like a wee kitten and enjoying the sounds of the birds before the rain started for the day! One day at a time, she's been so brave making it this far, tumour first discovered August, and as it grew she wasn't expected to make it over Christmas and here we are....

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