One click at a time

By KeithKnight

Musical May - Call Me Madam - It's a Lovely Day

Although I hadn't heard of this musical, I do know it's most famous song - It's a Lovely Day.

Another Irving Berlin song, and the weather has changed in time for it to be appropriate.

Outside at lunchtime, being naughty again, taking photos without a permit in Chiswick Park (alongside a load of other people too!). This heron was busy preening himself, although he did get distracted from time to time by the splashing in the water from the fish, however the heron just went back to preening, presumably it was an after lunch preen.

Early blip for me today - makes up for the rather late one yesterday. Waiting for an annoyingly late conference call/meeting, grrrrr.

Tomorrow is a truly seasonal musical - Holiday Inn.

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