Beauty & the Beast

This swan was a beauty and a 'beast'.

Cholmeley (the dog) was enjoying a nice swim, chasing balls in the lake. Not bothered and not interested in the birds, he and we completely ignored them.

I noticed the swans heading his way but assumed they were just checking him out. Elbows threw the ball a really long way and Cholmeley set off to retrieve it.

On his way back, and still a long way out, this swan, who posed for me later, opened up his wings to full magnificent breadth, and lurched at our gorgeous beloved dog, settling onto Cholmeley's back as he was swimming, in an attempt to sink him.

It was very frightening and my throat hurts from the shouting from the shores. The swan did this twice. 

Cholm kept swimming towards us at full pelt. My fear is that he loves his ball so much, that if he was pushed under, he wouldn't relinquish the ball and he'd just take on water.

I am truly grateful that this didn't happen. 

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